What has happened to the Christian faith?

   Satan's lies have infiltrated the universal church for centuries and it is my belief the 'Church' in Rome is the biggest purveyor of the lies that confuse those folks that want to understand the God of the Bible and his Son, whom I will refer to as Yeshua Hamashiach, for reasons that I'll eventually develop. I believe that all lies come from Satan as he is the father of lies. I believe that they are accumulative and will come together as a magnificent worldwide deception on the great terrible Day of the Lord.

   The biggest lie is the so called 'theory of evolution' as it is understood today. Darwin certainly wouldn't recognize it. The lie is centered on the intertwined ideas of 'deep time' and 'natural selection'. The brilliance of this is that God's Word isn't attacked directly, on the surface. When someone is deceived then the Bible starts to appear like it has major flaws or comes from man without the intervention of a living God. Every human has the same set of evidence, we all see the result of events that have come before. How we chose to interpret what we experience makes a bigger difference than the actual evidence before us which, again is the same for all of us.

   The Romanization of the Church that Yeshua established has been going on since it's inception. Daniel was inspired to give us a history of the world empires that will rule the Earth until the return of our Saviour. The last was the Roman Empire which would last from before Yeshua's birth until His bodily return to Earth. It is broken into two parts, iron, the Caesar system and iron mixed with miry clay, the Pope system. The myriad of lies coming from this juggernaut is designed by Satan to draw our worship from the one true God onto himself. Satan's final lie will be to use his world system to convince millions that he is actually 'God' and the world will follow him en masse. All except for the Elect.